Five Ultimate Fall Activities for your Friends & Family! πŸπŸˆπŸŽƒπŸŒ½πŸŽ

Five Ultimate Fall Activities for your Friends & Family! πŸπŸˆπŸŽƒπŸŒ½πŸŽ

LOOKING for some fun fall activities to do with your friends and family, Cocktail Claw has got you covered! Here are 5 ultimate fall activities to do with your friends and family for an unforgettable fall!


Host a Football Watch Party with Cocktail Claw πŸˆπŸ‰πŸˆ

Fall is prime football season, and what better way to start off the season, than with a football watch party with all your closest friends and family. Make this party ultimate by renting out a Cocktail Claw machine for everyone to play during commercial breaks and halftime!

Go to a Pumpkin Patch πŸŽƒπŸŽƒπŸŽƒ

Grab your friends and family, and head to the nearest pumpkin patch to pick some pumpkin to spruce up your fall decor, or carve for Halloween!

( Via House Beautiful)


Go to a Corn Maze🌽🌽🌽

Getting lost in a corn maze is the perfect bonding experience! Spend a few hours exploring, and see who can escape the corn maze first!

Via (Date Night Guide)


Apple Picking🍎🍏🍎

Get in the fall spirit, with a classic fall activity! Go to your local apple orchard and pick some apples to take home and enjoy!

Via (Columbia Mom)


Leaf Jumping πŸπŸ‚πŸ

Leaf jumping is a fun fall activity for all ages! Channel your inner child, and go leaf jumping!

Via (Kinder Care)



Don't forget to tag us on Instagram @CocktailClaw when you rent one of our claw machines for your event!
Available for rent, purchase, or franchise -- contact us today! Send us an email to or text us at 401-375-CLAW (2529).

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